cloud with snow

Climate Check


Target Audience

The target audience for this website is for people around the age of 20-35 that have a daytime job. This website will allow them to see what eh weather is like and how they should plan accordingly. be it for a trip or just getting to work.

Persona 1

Name: Smokey Brown

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Job: Singer

Purpose: Plan his day to not get wet by the rain

Persona 2

Name: Mary Sue

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Job: Receptionist

Purpose: Needs to know the weather contitions for the next day so she will be able to wear the right outfit.


Scenario 1: A person needs to drive to another city, but needs to know if it is snowing before he gets in his car and starts going.

Scenario 2: John wnats to go on a hike, but does not know if he should wear shorts or sweatpants. It has started getting chilly where he lives in the past few days.

Scenario 3: Cindy notices that it is snowing for the first time where she lives. She wants to see if it also snowing on the other side of the state where her sister lives.

Scenario 4: In order for his citrus trees to live he needs to cover them when it gets bellow freezing. It started getting chilly and he wants to know if he needs to cover them that night.

Scenario 5: The swiming pool looks tempting, but it is only the beginning of spring. Jonathon wants to see if it is warm enough to go in yet.